Peninsula Community Disaster Preparedness Fair


Disasters can happen to anyone....are you prepared? Learn how to be safe and prepared in case of earthquakes, fires and floods.

Menlo Park Fire, FEMA, Red Cross, USGS, PG&E, CERT, ADAPT, MPC Ready, rEPAct, Stop the Bleed, California Water Service, amateur radio operators, food trucks and many more will be there.  


  • Fire engine tours
  • Safety tips in Earthquakes
  • Hands only CPR training
  • HAM radio operator information
  • AED demonstrations
  • Fire safety training
  • Sign ups for free smoke detectors installed by the Red Cross
  • Flood protection information
  • Free Giveaways each hour
  • CERT training signups
  • Information on 72 hour kits and water storage
  • Vendors selling preparedness equipment 

Register for the event


  • Saturday, April 29, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1105 Valparaiso Ave., Menlo Park, CA, 94025, View map

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