Training and Education

The police department staff recognizes that the climate changes daily for handling varied situations and a diverse population. With approximately 40,000 public contacts annually, it is a necessity and one of our highest priorities to commit to providing our staff with the best training. Training is key to preparing and enabling police officers and staff to manage incidents, control situations and interact with people.

The police department invests time and money into training. There are federal, state, and local training mandates that are required for police officers on a consistent basis. Officers are trained and qualify with their firearms and Tasers regularly. In addition, defensive tactics, communication skills, cultural sensitivity and first aid and CPR are regulated training that are essential to an officer’s job. Police officers face a variety of scenarios in their public interactions. They have to be equipped with the tools and resources, and be knowledgeable when making split second decisions. They must use good judgement.

Officers receive the most cutting edge tactical, practical and regulatory training necessary to govern their behavior and actions. All officers completed Legal Update, Domestic Violence Update and Racial Profiling Update training. Our officers continue to be trained in Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) to respond to incidents that involve mental illness and/or individuals who experience an event that produces emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral distress or problems. CIT is a model for community policing that brings together law enforcement, mental health providers, hospital emergency departments and individuals with mental illness and their families to improve responses to people in crisis.

Officers also have the most modern technology in the form of tools that they need to effectively do their jobs from body cameras to mobile data terminals in their vehicles.