Kelly Park Turf and Track Replacement

  • Project typeParks and recreation
Kelly Park_edited.jpg

This project is located in the Belle Haven neighborhood at 100 Terminal Ave. This park will be maintained and improved in conjunction with the construction of a new multi-service center facility next to the park. Kelly Park’s athletic field and track facility was last renovated in 2010, and features a synthetic turf field, rubberized track and exercise stations. The turf, track, and exercise stations have reached the end of their serviceable life span and need replacement. Funding for the replacement of the facility was included in the five-year capital improvement program. Additional exercise equipment will be installed. The site will be ADA compliant.

The scope of work for the proposed project includes removing and replacing the existing synthetic turf and rubberized track. Striping, markings and relocation of fitness stations, and irrigation laterals overlapping the work are also included in the proposed scope of work. Due to the proximity of the new multi-service center facility, it is recommended to relocate the exercise stations an alternative location along the track, and to remove the underutilized long jump sand pit and replace with infill plantings. To mitigate lost balls, a 20-foot-high soccer netting system located on the eastern edge of the field between the soccer goal and the track to protect the new multi-service center facility and outdoor space from misdirected soccer balls. 

Current status

Project is in design with construction to be completed winter 2024. 

Project background

Project background and timeline

  • April 4 2023 – City Council receive informational report about the project
  • April 26 2023 – Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed and provided feedback to the project plans
  • May/June 2023 - Additional stakeholder outreach including casual park users, MPCC Subcommittee and working group
  • Jan 2024 – Design documents finalized
  • March 2024 – Construction Contract
  • April 2024– City Council award of construction contract
  • September 2024 – Construction begin pending Microgrid construction completion at the new multi-service center facility
  • November 2024 – Construction complete


Contact us

Mike Owyang
Associate Engineer
