Willow Village environmental and fiscal impact report released Oct. 14

Published on October 10, 2022

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The city will publish the Willow Village project final environmental impact report Friday, Oct.14, 2022. The final environmental impact report includes a response to all substantive comments received on the draft environmental impact report and edits to the text of the draft environmental impact report. The final environmental impact report will be available on the Willow Village project page. Hard copies will be available for review in the Menlo Park Library at 800 Alma St., and at the Belle Haven Branch Library at 413 Ivy Drive. Interested parties should request the report at the library information desk.

The final environmental impact report identifies significant and unavoidable impacts in the following topic areas: air quality and noise with all other topic areas resulting in impacts that are less than significant or less than significant with mitigation. At its Oct. 24, 2022, meeting, the Planning Commission is scheduled to review and consider the project and whether to recommend approval to the City Council.

Residents are encouraged to review the final environmental impact and participate in the upcoming Planning Commission meeting Monday, Oct. 24, 2022, at 7 p.m. via zoom, to provide comments. The comment review period for the final environmental impact report is open now through 5:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.

Written comments must be submitted by email to Planning Manager Kyle Perata or by letter to
Kyle Perata
Community Development
701 Laurel St.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Key components of the master plan include:

  • Up to 1.6 million square feet of office and accessory uses (a maximum of up to 1.25 million square feet of offices with balance for accessory uses)
  • Up to 200,000 square feet of retail/commercial uses, including a grocery store, pharmacy, entertainment and restaurant uses
  • Up to 1,730 housing units, including 312 below market rate units (260 inclusionary units plus 52 units per the city’s commercial linkage requirement) of which 119 would be age-restricted senior housing units
  • Up to a 193 room hotel
  • Publicly accessible open space including an approximately 3.5-acre park, 1.5-acre town square, a dog park, 2-acre elevated linear park extending over Willow Road, and additional public open space
  • A potential publicly-accessible, below grade tunnel for Meta intercampus trams, bicyclists and pedestrians connecting the project with the West and East campuses

The proposed project would be developed using the city’s bonus level provisions for increases in density, square footage and height, in exchange for community amenities through a conditional development permit and development agreement.

The City will also release the proposed project’s fiscal impact analysis Friday, Oct. 14, 2022, for review and consideration by members of the public and decision makers. The fiscal impact analysis will be available on the Willow Village project page.