Police Daily Log for December 14, 2024

On display until January 13, 2025, 12:00 AM

Web / Media Version

This log does not list all calls for police services.

The Police Daily Log displays police activity by our officers at incidents where a police report was written. The glossary provides commonly used code sections and crime classifications, as well as commonly used abbreviations.

Data regarding traffic stops, calls for service and more are available through our public safety Open Data Portal.

All named suspects and persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

00:36    Drug Activity

Case #2730/2412140001

Officer Campos

500 block El Camino Real, Menlo Park

Cromwell, Paul dob 112480 WMA out of Redwood City was arrested and booked into County Jail for 11377 HS, 11364 HS and 485 PC.

Disposition: Arrest


11:34    Hit and Run w/Prop Damage 

Case 24-2731/2412140049

Officer Pulido

1500 block San Antonio St, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


11:57    Mental Evaluation 

Case #24-2732/2412140051

Officer Garcia

800 Roble Av, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


13:14    Hit and Run w/Prop Damage 

Case #24-2733/2412140055

Officer Garcia

600 block Santa Cruz Av, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


13:27    Petty Theft

Case #24-2734/2412140056

Officer Pulido

700 block Menlo Av, Menlo Park

A report was taken for theft of a purse.   

Disposition: Report Taken


15:21    Petty Theft  

Case #24-2735/2412140071

Officer Pulido

1100 block El Camino Real, Menlo Park

A report was taken for theft of pillows.

Disposition: Report Taken


20:12    Suspended or Revoked License

Case #24-2736/2412140098

Officer Fliege

Euclid Av/E Okeefe St, East Palo Alto

RodriguezPlancarte, Muricio dob 051099 HMA out of East Palo Alto was arrested, cited and released for 14601 VC.

Disposition: Arrest


20:44    Suspended or Revoked License

Case #24-2737/2412140105

Officer Fliege

Willow RD/101, Menlo Park

MelendrezBejarano, Marco dob 072789 HMA out of East Palo Alto was arrested, cited and released for 14601 VC.

Disposition: Arrest


23:31    Drunk Driver

Case #24-2738/2412140134

Officer Mera

500 block Middlefield Rd, Menlo Park

Lopez, Reginaldo dob 042005 HMA out of Hot Springs was arrested, cited and released for 23152 VC.

Disposition: Arrest


23:34    Drunk in Public

Case #24-2739/2412140136

Officer Lewis

Van Buren Rd/Oakland Av, Menlo Park   

Subject detained for 647(F) PC and released when sober.

Disposition: Arrest 



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