Police Daily Log for December 15, 2024

On display until January 15, 2025, 12:00 AM

Web / Media Version

This log does not list all calls for police services.

The Police Daily Log displays police activity by our officers at incidents where a police report was written. The glossary provides commonly used code sections and crime classifications, as well as commonly used abbreviations.

Data regarding traffic stops, calls for service and more are available through our public safety Open Data Portal.

All named suspects and persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

01:30    Found Property

Case #24-2740/2412150007

Officer Campos

500 block Middlefield Rd, Menlo Park

A report was taken for a found backpack.

Disposition: Report Taken


01:40    Warrant Arrest

Case #24-2741/2412150008

Officer Fliege

Willow Rd/Nash Av, Menlo Park        

Diaz, Leonel dob 012671 HMA out of San Mateo was arrested and booked into County Jail on a $25,000 warrant for 6071(1) RT and 6452(C)(2) RT out of San Mateo Co SO.

Disposition: Arrest


08:10    Drug Activity

Case #24-2742/2412150017

Officer Walbridge

800 block Hamilton Av, Menlo Park

Cortez, Youssef dob 080798 HMA out of San Jose was arrested, cited and released for 11364 HS.

Disposition: Arrest


12:54    Animal – Vicious

Case #24-2743/2412150034

Officer Navas

1000 block Madera Av, Menlo Park

A report was taken for a dog bite.

Disposition: Report Taken


13:36    Fraud

Case #24-2744/2412150037

Officer Pulido

700 block Santa Cruz Av, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


14:06    Petty Theft

Case #24-2745/2412150038

Corporal Phu

500 block Oak Grove Av, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


16:22    Assist Outside Agency

Case #24-2746/2412150040

Officer Walbridge

600 block Willow Rd, Menlo Park

A report was taken for assisting VAPD. 

Disposition: Report Taken


18:12    Violation Of Court Order

Case #24-2747/2412150048

Officer Fernandez

700 block Hamilton Av, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


18:09    Vehicle Collision - Injury

Case #24-2748/2412150047

Officer Lewis

Sand Hill Rd/Sand Hill Cir, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


18:26    Warrant Arrest

Case #24-2749/2412150049

Officer Fernandez

1500 block Willow Rd, Menlo Park

LopezGalvan, Jorge dob 052077 HMA transient was arrested and booked into County Jail on a $10,000 warrant for 14601(A) VC out of Mountain View PD as well as a $5,000 warrant for 23103(A) VC out of Palo Alto PD as well as 148(A)(1) PC.

Disposition: Arrest


18:07    Mental Evaluation

Case #24-2750/2412150046

Officer Fliege

100 block Constitution Dr, Menlo Park

Disposition: Report Taken


22:56    Mental Evaluation

Case #24-2751/2412150067

Officer Fliege

500 block Pierce Rd, Menlo Park      

Disposition: Report Taken



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