Planning Commission


Term expires
Katie Behroozi
Email Katie Behroozi n/a April 30, 2028
Linh Dan Do Email Linh Dan Do  n/a April 30, 2026
Andrew Ehrich - Vice Chair
Email Andrew Ehrich
818-575-0010 April 30, 2027
Katie Ferrick
Email Katie Ferrick
April 30, 2027
Jennifer Schindler - Chair Email Jennifer Schindler n/a April 30, 2026
Misha Silin  Email Misha Silin n/a April 30, 2028
Ross Silverstein Email Ross Silverstein n/a  April 30, 2025  

Roles and responsibilities

Established according to state law, the Planning Commission makes decisions in many areas of the land use process and also makes recommendations to the City Council in other areas:

  • The Planning Commission reviews development proposals on public and private lands for compliance with the General Plan and zoning ordinance
  • The commission reviews all development proposals requiring a use permit, architectural control, variance, minor subdivision and environmental review associated with these projects. The commission is the final decision-making body for these applications, unless appealed to the City Council
  • The commission serves as a recommending body to the City Council for major subdivisions, rezoning’s, conditional development permits, zoning ordinance amendments, General Plan amendments and the environmental reviews and below market rate (BMR) housing agreements associated with those projects
  • The commission works on special projects as assigned by the City Council

Email the Planning Commission

To express your comments and opinions about a topic to the entire Planning Commission, including staff liaisons, please email the Planning Commission.

NOTE: All communications to the Planning Commission and/or city staff are public communications subject to the provisions of the California Public Records Act. Copies of communications sent via email may be printed and included as an attachment to staff reports, which are posted in full on the city website, and/or placed in files accessible to the general public.

Meetings, agendas, minutes and videos

Planning Commission meetings are generally held twice a month on Mondays starting at 7 p.m., based on a meeting schedule approved by the Planning Commission. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. View the 2024 Planning Commission meeting schedule(PDF, 135KB) .

Participate in meetings

Join meetings using the link on the published agenda and the citywide calendar.

Agendas, minutes and videos

The city website provides meeting agendas, minutes and videos for public review. For regular meetings, agendas will be posted no later than 72 hours in advance; agendas for special meetings will be posted no later than 24 hours in advance. Meeting minutes are available following approval. Videos are typically posted within 24 hours after the meeting.

Public hearing notices

Planning Commission public hearing notices are available on the public notices webpage. You can search the current notices by phrase or keyword.

City Council liaison

Staff liaison

Kyle Perata
Assistant Community Development Director


Stipend - pilot

On Feb. 13, 2024, the City Council approved a 1-year Planning Commission stipend pilot, as outlined in City Council policy CC-24-004 Commissions/committees policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities(PDF, 168KB).