Single Family Residential Requirements for Additions


Per CRC Section R202, an addition is an extension or increase in floor area, number of stories, or height of a building or structure. Alterations are defined differently and may require their own separate permit, or may be combined with an addition depending on the situation. Please consult City staff for additional guidance.


This section describes the minimum submittal requirements for single-family residential additions. For a list of documents associated with a complete plan submittal, please refer to:

The file specifications for those documents can be found at this link:

All work must meet the minimum requirements of the current editions of the California Building Standards Code and the City of Menlo Park’s Municipal Code at the time of submittal.     

Applicants are encouraged to have plans drawn by a professional architect or designer familiar with Menlo Park’s building permit process. This will facilitate a timely review of the project plans. If the owner wishes to complete the plans on his/her own, please contact City staff to ensure that all information is prepared properly. It is to the applicant’s advantage to submit legible and clear plans. Plans that cannot be read or understood will not be accepted. This may result in a delay of the plan review process and may cause additional costs to the applicant.

If a project has received a use permit or variance, the applicant is strongly encouraged to also submit a copy of written documentation demonstrating compliance with all of the conditions associated with the project.

All plans and supporting documents shall be shall be submitted electronically through the City’s Accela Citizen Access Portal (

Other required documents

  • Completed Menlo Park data sheet for building permit application
  • Completed Menlo Park permit application
  • Geologist report, if the project is located between Alameda De Las Pulgas and Interstate 280 or includes the construction of or addition to a basement
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Substantial Improvement Determination worksheet if the project is located in Flood Zones A, AE, AH, AO
  • An arborist report will be required if there are heritage trees in the vicinity of the proposed construction
  • Grading and Drainage plan (additions more than 500 Square feet)

Menlo Park Fire Protection review

Depending on the scope of work for proposed project, the Menlo Park Fire Protection District (MPFPD) may require submittal for a permit, plan review and inspection. Please contact them directly at or 650-688-8400.

The MPFPD is a separate and independent entity from the City of Menlo Park. It is the responsibility of the applicant or applicant’s representative to coordinate the submittal, review, approval and inspection for Fire Code related work with the MPFPD. Please be aware, a Building permit from the City of Menlo Park will not be issued until the MPFPD has approved the project if they require a permit.