Street sweeping schedule

Street sweeping is a City service that helps to beautify the community by removing litter and debris from the streets. It also protects the environment by reducing pollutants that could obstruct the storm drain system or might otherwise flow to the Bay.

Every residential and commercial street in the City is swept on a regular schedule. To reduce the amount of debris flowing to the bay and prevent the likelihood of flooding during heavy rains, the schedule changes with the seasons. The City’s contractor sweeps all the streets at the following frequency:

  • November through February: once per week
  • March and April: once every two weeks
  • May through September: once every four weeks
  • October: once every two weeks

All of the streets throughout the City are maintained with the same level of frequency. The street sweeping day is generally the next business day after trash collection.

In order to successfully sweep the streets, residents are asked to follow these guidelines:

  • Park your vehicle off the street on your street sweeping day.
  • Do not create leaf piles in the street. Leaves that do not fit in the compost cart can be spread into a row in the street. The row should be about one foot from the gutter and no higher than one foot tall.
  • Do not put sticks, branches or palm fronds in the street or gutter.

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Contact us

Hugo Torres
Public Works Supervisor - Streets
