Heritage tree appeals

The appeal period begins when staff makes a decision on whether or not the tree removal or heavy pruning is approved and lasts for 15 days. A community member must submit a heritage tree appeal form(PDF, 820KB)  and he/she must pay appeal fee (refer to Master Fee Schedule) within the appeal period. Section 13.24.060 and the heritage tree administrative guidelines outlines the appeal process and its requirements. The table below summarizes who can appeal staff’s decision and who is the appealing body.

Decision making criteria Who can appeal Appealing body
Criterion 1, 2, 3, or 4 Permit applicant
City manager or his/her designee
Criterion 5 or 6 Any community member (residents and property owners)
Environmental Quality Commission and City Council
Planning Commission-related projects Any community member Environmental Quality Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council

Contact us

Joanna Chen
Management Analyst II
