Congratulations to our Walk and Roll Video Challenge participants

Published on June 13, 2022

This year, we have learned the importance of our wellness and the necessity of moving our bodies! That’s why we launched our video challenge to promote walking and rolling to your favorite places. In conjunction with Walk + Wheel to School we announced an inclusive challenge that aims to learn more about how you walk, roll and bike to your favorite places. All students in Menlo Park were encouraged to make videos to share with their community why they like to bike to their favorite places. 

Seven students from Laurel Elementary, Oak Knoll Elementary, Las Lomitas Elementary and TIDE Academy participated in the contest. These students shared they like to bike because they can spend time with their friends while biking, it gives them independence, it’s good exercise and it’s clean transportation!

Three prizes were given out to the contest winners, but choosing the three winners was not an easy task given the well-made entries of various styles and content and we'd like to give a big shout out and kudos to all the contestants who submitted videos! 

Congratulation to the winners of the Menlo Park’s Safe Routes to School video challenge:

  1. Brandon Clark from TIDE Academy, Grade 11
  2. William Bailey from Laurel Elementary, Grade 1
  3. Ruby Key from Laurel Elementary, Grade 2

Brandon’s video shows the benefits of biking to school and highlights the convenience of biking, in particular not having to find a parking space and that it is faster to bike to cross the highway than to drive. William and his two friends, Isaac and Violet, like to bike because they can go by themselves to school or to the park, and it is nonpolluting and makes them stronger! Ruby’s video gives us a peek at biking on Coleman Avenue and its challenges, but she still likes biking to get exercise after school.

All videos can be watched on the Safe Routes to School webpage.

Walk and Roll Video Challenge - Brandon Clark from City of Menlo Park on Vimeo.