Mosquito and vector control

Aedes aegypti, also called the yellow fever mosquito, has been reported in areas of Menlo Park. Although this mosquito is not common or widespread, it has the potential to become a serious threat to human health if allowed to become established in San Mateo County.

This mosquito species is not native to our county, and has the potential to transmit diseases such as Zika, chikungunya, yellow fever and dengue. At this time these diseases are not present in San Mateo County, but to reduce future health risks it is important to prevent invasive mosquito populations from increasing.

You can help keep our community free of invasive Aedes mosquitoes by following a few simple guidelines: 

  • Check your property for existing standing water and containers where water may collect after rain. Invasive Aedes mosquitoes prefer man-made containers (flower pots, buckets, bottles, cans, etc.) and can develop in containers as small as a soda bottle cap. Any container can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. 
  • Remove or overturn any containers where water collects. Containers that cannot be removed must be emptied and scrubbed weekly to remove mosquito eggs. Invasive Aedes eggs can survive drying out, so it is not enough to empty the containers – they must also be scrubbed. 
  • Avoid bringing plants, pots, or other outdoor items from areas where invasive Aedes are established (including central and southern California, Arizona, Texas, and Florida). If bringing items from these areas, please empty and scrub all containers to remove mosquito eggs. 
  • If you notice mosquitoes biting during the day, please contact the District so we can check your area for invasive Aedes mosquitoes. Unlike most of our native mosquito species, invasive Aedes mosquitoes bite during the day.

Residents who believe they have encountered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, or who experience mosquito bites during the day, should contact San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District.

San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District is also available to assist residents with removing large numbers of unwanted containers from their property, identifying areas where mosquitoes may breed, locating the source of any existing mosquito problem, and treating standing water for mosquito larvae.

San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District uses an integrated pest management strategy to safeguard the health and comfort of the residents of San Mateo County. The District's service area includes the entirety of San Mateo County.