Complete Streets Commission


Phone number
Term expires
Brian Altman
Email Brian Altman
April 30, 2025
Meredith Bergin Bailey
Email Meredith Bergin Bailey n/a April 30, 2028
Jacqui Cebrian Email Jacqui Cebrian n/a April 30, 2027
Sally Cole - Chair
Email Sally Cole
April 30, 2026
 Athena Ierokomos Email Athena Ierokomos n/a April 30, 2026
Lizbeth King - Vice Chair
Email Lizbeth King
April 30, 2025
Matthew Rascoff Email Matthew Rascoff n/a April 30, 2028

Roles and responsibilities

The Complete Streets Commission shall advise the City Council on realizing the City's adopted goals for complete streets, vision zero, climate action plan, and provide input on major land use and development projects as it relates to transportation.

  • To advance the goals of the city’s newly adopted climate action plan by making alternatives to driving safer and more attractive, namely by:
    • Reviewing the city’s transportation master plan (TMP) and recommending the projects most likely to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
    • Providing input on major development projects such as the Menlo Park Community Campus, by looking at them through the lens of transportation accessibility, especially bicycle/pedestrian/public transportation accessibility
  • Advise City Council on the implementation of the TMP.
  • Continue to advocate for and advise the City Council on the planning and installation of the Middle Avenue pedestrian and bicycle rail crossing, and safe cycling/pedestrian infrastructure connecting the Burgess complex to the Middle Avenue corridor to Olive Street, and north on Olive Street to Hillview Middle School.
  • Continue to support City Council in ongoing initiatives to improve access to Downtown and support downtown businesses.
  • Continue to support the implementation of the Safe Routes to School strategy and advocate for community engagement, program continuity and engineering implementation.
  • Continue to support City Council’s role as a stakeholder with regard to regional multi-modal and transportation demand management programs projects to increase

Meetings, agendas, minutes and videos

Complete Streets Commission meetings are generally held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30 p.m. Meeting dates and times are subject to change.

The city website provides meeting agendas, minutes and videos for public review. For regular meetings, agendas will be posted no later than 72 hours in advance; agendas for special meetings will be posted no later than 24 hours in advance. Meeting minutes are available following approval. Videos are typically posted within 24 hours after the meeting.

City Council liaison

Staff liaison

Catrine Machi
Senior Transportation Planner
