Housing Commission


Name Email
Term expires
Jessica Beeli  Email Jessica Beeli n/a April 30, 2028
Jackelyn Campos  Email Jackelyn Campos  n/a April 30, 2026
Heather Leitch
Email Heather Leitch
April 30, 2025
Nevada Merriman
Email Nevada Merriman n/a April 30, 2025
Chelsea Onap
Email Chelsea Onap
April 30, 2025
Virginia Portillo - Vice Chair
Email Virginia Portillo
650-796-7099 April 30, 2027
Vacant n/a n/a April 30, 2025


Roles and responsibilities

The Housing Commission is charged primarily with advising the City Council on housing matters including housing supply and housing related problems.

Commission priorities

  • Community attitudes about housing (range, distribution, racial, social-economic problems)
  • Programs for evaluating, maintaining, and upgrading the distribution and quality of housing stock in the City
  • Planning, implementing and evaluating City programs under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
  • Review and recommend to the City Council regarding the Below Market Rate (BMR) program
  • Initiate, review and recommend on housing policies and programs for the City
  • Review and recommend on housing related impacts for environmental impact reports
  • Review and recommend on State and regional housing issues
  • Review and recommend on the Housing Element of the General Plan

Meetings, agendas, minutes and videos

Housing Commission meetings are generally held on the 1st Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30 p.m. Meeting dates and times are subject to change.

The city website provides meeting agendas, minutes and videos for public review. For regular meetings, agendas will be posted no later than 72 hours in advance; agendas for special meetings will be posted no later than 24 hours in advance. Meeting minutes are available following approval. Videos are typically posted within 24 hours after the meeting.


City Council liaison

Staff liaison

Tim Wong
Housing Manager
