Redistricting maps considered

According to the 2020 census data, the total city population equals 33,830, which means each of the five City Council districts in every alternative has a target population of 6,766. Below are several different map alternatives that draw the lines in different ways, but with district populations remaining within the legally required 10% variation between the lowest and highest populations.

Final redistricting map adopted 

On April 7, 2022, the Independent Redistricting Commission selected a proposed final map and provided findings for a preliminary redistricting plan. Pursuant to Elections Code 21608, the city published the proposed final map and preliminary redistricting plan for a seven-day public comment period.

The commission adopted the final redistricting map (Public 131.1_ID121034(PDF, 795KB)) on April 14, 2022. 

Draft maps previously considered

Note: After downloading and opening each file, it may take a moment for the districts layer to appear. The second page of each map provides demographic information for the proposed districts.

Maps removed from consideration by vote of the commission

This interactive map provides comparisons between current districts and all draft maps submitted and processed thus far.


Demographic data for draft maps

View the population data by district(PDF, 234KB) and the California voting age population data by district(PDF, 218KB) for each of the submitted draft maps.