Water pollution prevention


Litter and debris that enters the street goes into storm drains and is released untreated into local creeks, the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Menlo Park and 20 other incorporated towns and cities, share a common National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the common goal of preventing harmful pollutants from entering these water bodies.

Want to get involved? Whether from the comfort of your home or in the community, there are various things you can start doing today to get started.

Easy ways to protect the watershed

  • Clean up automotive leaks and keep your vehicle in good working order
  • Dispose of cigarette butts and litter properly
  • Dispose of hazardous waste properly
  • Have cars washed at the car wash
  • Install more pervious surface
  • Keep storm drains clear of debris
  • Pick up after your pet
  • Use less toxic cleaners and pesticides
Learn more about water pollution prevention on the Flows To Bay website.