Anton Menlo


Applications are currently closed for Below Market Rate (BMR) rental unit(s) at Anton Menlo

  • Located at 3639 Haven Avenue
  • Preferences apply to those who live or work in Menlo Park
  • Amenities include: Air Conditioning, In–Unit Laundry, Fitness Facility, Pool & Spa, Arcade, Clubroom, & Cafe 
  • Applications due: Currently closed.
  • Scheduled Lottery: the week of January 6, 2025; applicants will be contacted by lottery rank beginning approximately five days later
  • Please note: you will not know your number in the lottery until after January 6; any other number you may have received is not a ranking


More information

Click here for more information on living at Anton Menlo

For property-specific questions about BMR units at Anton Menlo, please contact

For questions about the BMR program, please contact


2024-2025 Maximum BMR Household Size & Income Limits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very Low AMI (50%) $68,850 $78,350 $88,150 $97,900 $105,750 $113,600 $121,400
Low AMI (80%) $109,700  $125,350  $141,000  $156,650  $169,200  $181,750  $194,250 
Moderate AMI (120%) $156,750 $179,100 $201,500 $223,900 $241,800 $259,700 $277,650

*Please note that BMR units are subject to annual rent increases and household income recertifications


Rents will range from:

  • Please visit the the property application websites for the most up-to-date information regarding rents


Terms and restrictions apply and are subject to change without notice. This BMR opportunity is offered regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or marital status and is being made according to City policy. 



Contact us

For more information about the City's BMR program, please contact