Environmental Impact Report

Final EIR

The Final EIR was released April 19, 2012, and certified by the City Council on June 5, 2012. Electronic files are available below, and hard copies are available for review at the Community Development Department and the Menlo Park Library.

Draft EIR

The Draft EIR was released April 29, 2011. Electronic files are available below, and hard copies are available for review at the Community Development Department and the Menlo Park Library.

A limited number of hard copies are also still available upon request.

Full Document

Individual Chapters

The public review period for the Draft EIR was from May 5, 2011, to June 20, 2011.

Public Hearing and informational presentations

The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Draft EIR on June 6, 2011. For more information on this meeting, please see the following:

During June 2011, staff also made informational presentations to the Bicycle, Environmental Quality, Housing, Parks and Recreation, and Transportation Commissions. More information about these sessions is available on the respective Commission agendas.

The close of the Draft EIR public review period will be followed by meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council to review and provide direction on the Draft Specific Plan itself.

Notice of Preparation

The Notice of Preparation is an initial step to inform members of the public that an EIR is going to be prepared.


Note: the following correspondence was submitted during the NOP review period, although letters do not necessarily specifically relate to the environmental analysis.


California Environmental Quality Act

Environmental analysis of projects like a specific plan is required by the California Environmental Quality Act. For more information, please visit the CEQA website.