Priority 2: Promote access to high quality and affordable food


Goal EJ4 is the second highest community-idenitfied priority.

Policy EJ4.1    

Encourage adequate food access to fresh and healthy foods for all residents, particularly those in underserved communities.

Programs and Action Items Status

Short Title. Work with grocery stores and online food service delivery and meal providers to increase access to high-quality affordable and healthy food (e.g., reduced or waived delivery service fees). Encourage and support the acceptance of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), CalFresh, and other governmental food assistance programs that increase food security.

EJ4.B Short Title. Inform low-income households and people experiencing homelessness about food assistance programs through multilingual fliers, community events, information at shelters and food banks, as well as other appropriate outreach methods.  
EJ4.C Short Title. Encourage healthy food options, including vegan and vegetarian options, at municipal buildings and City-participating events. Encourage sourcing food from local small businesses.

Short Title. Encourage and facilitate the establishment and operation of a farmer’s market(s), farm stands, ethnic markets, and mobile health food markets in underserved communities. Conduct widespread outreach and engagement to advertise these markets.

Action Item:  At existing and future farmer’s markets, or similar events, offer free or subsidized space for vendors who provide healthy, fresh, and affordable food for underserved communities. (EJ4.D.1)


Conduct community outreach to help prospective first-time homeowners navigate the process. This includes 6th Cycle Housing Element Program H5.F (regarding collaborating with the Housing Endowment and Regional Trust of San Mateo County (HEART)) and helping to facilitate first-time homeowner workshops for residents in underserved communities.

Action Item:  Explore identifying unused City-owned property to support community gardens. Encourage community gardens as an amenity in required open space areas of new multifamily and mixed-use development projects. (EJ4.E.1)

Action Item:  Identify private properties suitable for community gardens on vacant or undeveloped lots, or other opportunities for community-supported agriculture  within the community. Encourage community garden as an amenity in required open space areas of new multifamily and mixed-use development projects. (EJ4.E.2)

Action Item:  Facilitate the installation of community gardens at senior centers and senior housing facilities. (EJ4.E.3)

Action Item:  Develop programs and encourage developments that make smaller planter boxes or garden beds accessible for apartment dwellers. (EJ4.E.4)