Environmental Review

Negative Declaration and Initial Study

The proposal requires the preparation of a Negative Declaration (ND) based upon the Initial Study prepared for the Project. The Initial Study identifies less than significant impacts for the following categories:

  • Aesthetics
  • Agriculture and forestry resources
  • Air quality
  • Biology resources
  • Cultural resources
  • Geology and soils
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Hazards and hazardous materials
  • Hydrology and water quality
  • Land use and planning
  • Mineral resources
  • Noise
  • Population and housing
  • Public services
  • Recreation
  • Transportation / traffic
  • Utilities

The Initial Study for the proposal did not identify environmental impacts that are significant and unavoidable.

Copies of the Negative Declaration are also on file for review at the city Library and at the Community Development Department, Civic Center, 701 Laurel Street during business hours.

The review period for the Negative Declaration is from February 13, 2014 to March 14, 2014.

Written comments must be submitted to the Community Development Department no later than 5 p.m., Friday, March 14, 2014. Comments may be submitted by email, fax 650-327-1653, or send a letter to:
Community Development Department
701 Laurel Street
Menlo Park, CA 94025