Community resources

Business and nonprofit resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area General Information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Bay Area Entrepreneur Center

Skyline College
458 San Mateo Ave.
San Bruno, CA94066
Phone: 650-738-7994
Email: Email
Link: Website

The Bay Area Entrepreneur Center or BAEC is funded by the San Mateo County Community College District. It is a business accelerator and innovative resource center that works to provide aspiring entrepreneurs the information and support they need to grow their current business or business ideas. It provides business management guidance, technical and targeted business assistance, networking opportunities, one-on-one consulting, business workshops and facilities.
Small Business Resource Hub

San Francisco SCORE
455 Market St.
Ste 600
San Francisco, CA94105
Phone: 415-764-4964
Email: Email
Link: Website

Serving entrepreneurs, start-ups and small businesses in San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin counties, SF SCORE has more than 50 retired and active professionals who provide free and confidential business counseling and a variety of low-cost workshops to boost your business success.
Small Business Survival Guide

San Mateo Small Business Development Center
1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd.
College Center Building 19, Room 111
San Mateo, CA94402
Phone: 650-395-9130
Email: Email
Link: Website

The SBDC is committed to serving the small businesses within our local community. It can help with applying for relief, reviewing available resources, cash flow concerns, supply chain interruptions, workforce capacity, insurance coverage and more - at no cost.

1777 Borel Place
Ste 550
San Mateo, CA94402
Phone: 650-581-0058
Email: Email
Link: Website

NOVA is a nonprofit, federally funded employment and training agency that provides customer-focused workforce development services. It works closely with local businesses, educators and job seekers to ensure that its programs provide opportunities that build the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to address the workforce needs of Silicon Valley.
San Mateo County Strong Fund

Silicon Valley Community Foundation
2440 West El Camino Real
Ste 300
Mountain View, CA 94040
Phone: 650-450-5444
Link: Website 

This fund was initiated by San Mateo County and is managed by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. It was created to provide individuals and families with help to cover basic household expenses. It also provides small local businesses with assistance to help them avoid layoffs and stay open, or reopen once feasible. In addition, it supports nonprofits that provide services to our most vulnerable populations like seniors, homeless individuals or people with disabilities.
Small Business Finance Center (SBFC)

California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank)
1325 J St.
Ste 1300
Sacramento, CA 95814
Email: Email
Link: Website 

The Small Business Finance Center helps businesses create and retain jobs, and encourages investment in low- to moderate-income communities. The SBFC has several programs to support small business, including a Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee, a Jump Start Loan Program and more.  

Digital access and resources

Resource Services
Access: affordable internet

Phone: 855-220-5211
Link: Website

You may be eligible for this offer if at least one resident in the household participates in the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); your address is in AT&T's 21-state service area, at which AT&T offers wireline home Internet service; and you do not have outstanding debt for AT&T fixed Internet service within the last six months or outstanding debt incurred under this program. AT&T will assign the fastest of these speed tiers available at the customer's address: 10 megabits per second, for $10 per month; 5 megabits per second, for $10 per month; or 3 megabits per second, for $5 per month.

City of Menlo Park
Phone: 650-330-2501
Link: Website

The library's robust digital services give cardholders 24/7 free access to ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more.
Internet Assist

Phone: 844-525-1574
Email: Email
Link: Website

In order to quality for this offer, at least one person in the applying household must participate in the National School Lunch Program, Community Eligibility Provision, or receive Supplemental Security Income (65 years old or older only).
Internet Essentials low-cost internet service

Phone: 855-846-8376
Email: Email
Link: Website

Internet Essentials brings affordable high-speed internet to families and individuals.
Wi-Fi Hotspots for checkout

City of Menlo Park
800 Alma St.
Menlo Park, CA94025
View Map
Phone: 650-330-2501
Email: Email

10 Sprint network Wi-Fi hotspots are available for check out for a 7-day period.
Xfinity WiFi

Phone: 866-489-0919
Link: Website

Everyone can now access 1.5 million out-of-home Xfinity WiFi hotspots for free: These hotspots are normally located in business areas, retail locations and transit areas.

Education resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
California Department of Education

1430 N St.
Sacramento, CA95814
Phone: 916-319-0800
Link: Website

Guidance on distance learning, school and child and adult day care meals, special education, child care and student supervision, and parent resources.

California Department of Social Services
Phone: 877-847-3663
Email: Email
Link: Website

California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) is a cash aid program for low income families to meet their basic needs. It also provides education, employment, and training programs to help families get jobs and move towards self-sufficiency. Child care, transportation, work expenses and counseling are available for families in work activities.
Menlo Park City School District

181 Encinal Ave.
Atherton, CA94027
Phone: 650-321-7140
Email: Email
Link: Website

The Menlo Park Elementary School District serves parts of Menlo Park, Atherton and unincorporated San Mateo County. There are approximately 3,023 students, preschool through 8th grade, enrolled in the four schools and the ELC in the District.
Ravenswood City School District

2120 Euclid Ave.
East Palo Alto, CA94303
Phone: 650-329-2800
Link: Website

Ravenswood City School District is committed to keep learning moving forward. Teachers are working closely with each other and their principals to develop the best way to connect with each of our students. The board of trustees, district staff and community partners are going over and beyond to ensure every family has technology and Wi-Fi access. The District works to inspire high academic achievement among all students, serve their needs, challenge their minds and enrich their lives, laying a foundation for success and participation in our democratic society and as citizens of the world.
Redwood City Elementary School District

750 Bradford St.
Redwood City, CA94063
Phone: 650-482-2200
Link: Website

Redwood City School District (RCSD) is an innovative and award-winning PreK-8 district serving 7,500 students. Situated on the San Francisco Bay Area's mid-Peninsula, RCSD serves students in Redwood City and portions of Atherton, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Woodside. RCSD?s programs such as Mandarin and Spanish Immersion, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), Accelerated Learning, Project Based Learning (PBL), Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), and Parent Participation attract families from throughout the Peninsula, the East Bay, and the South Bay. RCSD 8th graders feed into the Sequoia Union High School District (SUHSD).
San Mateo County Office of Education

101 Twin Dolphin Drive
Redwood City, CA94065
Phone: 650-802-5515
Email: Email
Link: Website

The San Mateo County Office of Education has launched a new section of its website to support administrators, educators and families. Visit the sections below to find resources, tips and guidance.
Sequoia Union High School District

480 James Ave.
Redwood City, CA94062
Phone: 650-322-5311
Email: Email
Link: Website

The Sequoia Union High School District annually serves more than 8900 9th to 12th grade students through its four distinguished comprehensive high schools, including Menlo-Atherton High School which serves Menlo Park.
SMC Connect

County of San Mateo Human Services Agency
2415 University Ave.
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: 650-363-4175
Link: Website

Find community services in San Mateo County including food assistance, financial assistance, crisis services, health, employment, homeless services, emergency shelter, housing, legal and mediation services, mental health/counseling, senior services and more.

Employment resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.

California Department of Social Services
Phone: 877-847-3663
Email: Email
Link: Website

California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) is a cash aid program for low income families to meet their basic needs. It also provides education, employment, and training programs to help families get jobs and move towards self-sufficiency. Child care, transportation, work expenses and counseling are available for families in work activities.
Employment Development Department

State of California
Link: Website

Provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced.
Opportunity Services Center

33 Encina Ave.
Palo Alto, CA94301
Phone: 650-853-8672
Link: Website

LifeMoves provides holistic support for families in crisis through family shelters, childcare, education programs and therapeutic services. Individuals can access emergency interim shelter, food, clothing, and intensive case management to rapidly return to stable housing and address the underlying factors contributing to homelessness. LifeMoves offers specialized programs and services to address the specific needs of the Veteran community and community outreach programs include a wide range of field outreach, engagement, and prevention programs to best serve those in need.
SMC Connect

County of San Mateo Human Services Agency
2415 University Ave.
East Palo Alto, CA94303
Phone: 650-363-4175
Link: Website

Find community services in San Mateo County including food assistance, financial assistance, crisis services, health, employment, homeless services, emergency shelter, housing, legal and mediation services, mental health/counseling, senior services and more.

Financial assistance

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.

California Department of Social Services
Phone: 877-847-3663
Email: Email
Link: Website

California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) is a cash aid program for low income families to meet their basic needs. It also provides education, employment, and training programs to help families get jobs and move towards self-sufficiency. Child care, transportation, work expenses and counseling are available for families in work activities.
Core Service Agency

San Mateo County Human Services Agency
Link: Website

Core Service Agencies provide safety net services to San Mateo County residents in need of food, emergency housing assistance, emergency utility assistance, shelter and other basic needs. Call the Core Service Agency that serves your area to find out more about the services they offer and how to access services.
One Fair Wage

Emergency Fund
Link: Website

Are you a service worker struggling amidst the coronavirus crisis? This fund seeks to provide temporary cash gifts to work as funding becomes available.
San Mateo County Strong Fund

Silicon Valley Community Foundation
2440 West El Camino Real
Ste 300
Mountain View, CA94040
Phone: 650-450-5444
Link: Website

This fund was initiated by San Mateo County and is managed by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. It was created to provide individuals and families with help to cover basic household expenses. It also provides small local businesses with assistance to help them avoid layoffs and stay open, or reopen once feasible. In addition, it supports nonprofits that provide services to our most vulnerable populations like seniors, homeless individuals or people with disabilities.
SMC Connect

County of San Mateo Human Services Agency
2415 University Ave.
East Palo Alto, CA94303
Phone: 650-363-4175
Link: Website

Find community services in San Mateo County including food assistance, financial assistance, crisis services, health, employment, homeless services, emergency shelter, housing, legal and mediation services, mental health/counseling, senior services and more.

Food assistance

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Aging and Adult Services

San Mateo County Health
225 37th Ave.
San Mateo, CA94403
Phone: 800-675-8437
Link: Website

Services for older and dependent adults, including abuse prevention, public guardian and authority, in-home care, nutritious meals and more.
Bread Basket

Samaritan House
4031 Pacific Blvd.
San Mateo, CA94403
Phone: 650-341-4081 x 3001
Link: Website

Bread Basket program provides bread to the needy. Persons may secure bread for themselves or their family. Bread is available to anyone who is in need; individuals and families.
Brown Bag Program

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
2600 Middlefield Road
Redwood City, CA94063
Phone: 800-984-3663
Link: Website

The Brown Bag site will be open to anybody in need of food. No income or age restrictions. If you need food, please come and pick up food. Each family will receive a box of core staple items, box of produce, box of perishables (cold items), and a bag of frozen items.

California Department of Social Services
Phone: 877-847-3663
Email: Email
Link: Website

The CalFresh Program, formerly known as Food Stamps and federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), can add to your food budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. The program issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores.
Core Service Agency

San Mateo County Human Services Agency
Link: Website

Core Service Agencies provide safety net services to San Mateo County residents in need of food, emergency housing assistance, emergency utility assistance, shelter and other basic needs. Call the Core Service Agency that serves your area to find out more about the services they offer and how to access services.
Emergency Food Assistance and Individual Food Bags

Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP)
4111 Pulgas Ave.
East Palo Alto, CA94303
Phone: 650-323-7781
Email: Email
Link: Website

EHP Emergency Food Assistance provides boxes of food to meet basic nutritional needs of families, as well as to individuals experiencing temporary emergency needs or special circumstances, such as long-term illness or homlessness. The food boxes are nutritionally balanced, containing protein, vegetables, grains, cereals, and canned goods. They are prepared with an understanding of the cultural and ethnic preferences of each family. You must call in for an appointment.
Family Harvest Program

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
2600 Middlefield Road
Redwood City, CA94063
Phone: 800-984-3663
Link: Website

Each family will receive a box of core staple items, box of produce, box of perishables (cold items), and a bag of frozen items.
Food and emergency shelter

Catholic Worker Hospitality House
555 San Bruno Ave. West
San Bruno, CA94066
Phone: 650-827-0706
Link: Website

Services include: emergency homeless shelter, hot meals, shower, food to-go, shelter availability resources
Food Pantry

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
3600 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA94025
Phone: 800-984-3663
Email: Email
Link: Website

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley provides free groceries at various locations in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
Hot Meal Program

Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen
1080 N 7th St.
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408-998-5774
Link: Website

Loaves & Fishes provides hot meals to serve hungry and homeless families, children, veterans, seniors and the disabled throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
JFCS Food Pantry

Jewish Family & Childrens Services
200 Channing Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone: 650-688-3030
Link: Website 

JFCS Food Pantry offer nutritious, high-protein food to seniors on fixed incomes, adults with disabilities, young families with low incomes and others individuals and families facing temporary crises.
Opportunity Services Center

33 Encina Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone: 650-853-8672
Link: Website

LifeMoves provides holistic support for families in crisis through family shelters, childcare, education programs and therapeutic services. Individuals can access emergency interim shelter, food, clothing, and intensive case management to rapidly return to stable housing and address the underlying factors contributing to homelessness. LifeMoves offers specialized programs and services to address the specific needs of the Veteran community and community outreach programs include a wide range of field outreach, engagement, and prevention programs to best serve those in need.  
Produce Mobile Program

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
100 Terminal Ave.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 800-984-3663
Link: Website

Each family will receive a box of core staple items, box of produce, box of perishables (cold items), and a bag of frozen items.
PVI Meals on Wheels

Peninsula Volunteers, Inc. (PVI)
800 Middle Ave.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 650-323-2020
Link: Website

Peninsula Volunteers delivers over 3,000 hot, nutritious meals to primarily homebound seniors and adults with disabilities in San Mateo County who are unable to cook and shop for themselves
The Salvation Army Service Center

The Salvation Army of Redwood City
660 Veterans Blvd.
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: 650-368-4644
Link: Website

Services provided: food, disaster relief, disability assistance, outreach to aging community, clothing, shelter, children's programs, financial assistance  

Health resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Aging and Adult Services

San Mateo County Health
225 37th Ave.
San Mateo, CA94403
Phone: 800-675-8437
Link: Website

Services for older and dependent adults, including abuse prevention, public guardian and authority, in-home care, nutritious meals and more.
Covered California

1601 Exposition Blvd.
Sacramento, CA95815
Phone: 800-300-1506
Link: Website

Covered California is a free service that connects Californians with brand-name health insurance under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It's the only place where you can get financial help when you buy health insurance from well-known companies. That means when you apply, you may qualify for a discount on a health plan through Covered California, or get health insurance through the state's Medi-Cal program. Either way, you'll have great health coverage. People who experience a qualifying life event can newly enroll in a health plan through Covered California even outside the open enrollment period. People who already have a plan through Covered California who experience a qualifying life event can change their coverage or choose a new plan.
General health services

San Mateo County Health
222 W. 39th Ave.
San Mateo, CA94403
Phone: 650-573-2222
Link: Website

San Mateo County's health department administers public health programs and provides clinical and supportive services to residents of San Mateo County.
Pregnancy, children and families

San Mateo County Health
2000 Alameda de las Pulgas
Ste 200
San Mateo, CA94403
Phone: 650-573-2501
Link: Website

Services are provided in homes, local clinics, offices and schools. Services are free for adults, children and families on Medi-Cal, and on a sliding fee scale for other San Mateo County residents. Services are also provided in your native language.

Homeless services

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Core Service Agency

San Mateo County Human Services Agency
Link: Website

Core Service Agencies provide safety net services to San Mateo County residents in need of food, emergency housing assistance, emergency utility assistance, shelter and other basic needs. Call the Core Service Agency that serves your area to find out more about the services they offer and how to access services.
Haven Family House

260 Van Buren Road
Menlo Park, CA94025
Phone: 650-325-8719
Link: Website

LifeMoves | Haven Family House provides interim shelter and supportive services to 23 families experiencing homelessness in Menlo Park. Haven Family House also serves up to 9 Veteran families every night.

Housing resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc.

2001 Winward Way
Ste. 103
San Mateo, CA94404
Phone: 650-645-1780
Link: Website

Through the Housing Accessibility Modifications Program, grants are available for disabled and/or frail elderly persons to maximize self-sufficiency by eliminating architectural barriers in the home.
County of San Mateo - Department of Housing

264 Harbor Blvd.
Bldg A
Belmont, CA94002
Phone: 650-802-3300
Email: Email
Link: Website

Provides rental housing assistance to extremely low, very low and low income households through various programs including Section 8. Please contact directly for more information.
ECHO Housing

22551 Second St.
Hayward, CA94541
Phone: 510-581-9380
Link: Website

Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, physical or mental disability, age, or sexual orientation in the sale or rental of any housing is illegal. ECHO Housing handles housing discrimination complaints and works to secure equal access to housing for all people.
Haven Family House

260 Van Buren Road
Menlo Park, CA94025
Phone: 650-325-8719
Link: Website

LifeMoves | Haven Family House provides interim shelter and supportive services to 23 families experiencing homelessness in Menlo Park. Haven Family House also serves up to 9 Veteran families every night.
HIP Housing Home Sharing Program

800 South Claremont St.
San Mateo, CA94402
Phone: 650-348-6660
Email: Email
Link: Website

HIP Housing provides home-sharing opportunities in San Mateo County by matching housing providers who have room to share with compatible singles, seniors, or single parents with children. A home-sharing participant has a private room and shares the kitchen and common living areas with the other resident(s) and/or housing provider(s).
Opportunity Services Center

33 Encina Ave.
Palo Alto, CA94301
Phone: 650-853-8672
Link: Website

LifeMoves provides holistic support for families in crisis through family shelters, childcare, education programs and therapeutic services. Individuals can access emergency interim shelter, food, clothing, and intensive case management to rapidly return to stable housing and address the underlying factors contributing to homelessness. LifeMoves offers specialized programs and services to address the specific needs of the Veteran community and community outreach programs include a wide range of field outreach, engagement, and prevention programs to best serve those in need.
Project Sentinel

Phone: 408-720-9888
Link: Website

Provides free education and counseling to community members, housing providers and tenants about fair housing laws. They also investigate complaints and provide advocacy services for those who have experienced housing discrimination.
SMC Connect

County of San Mateo Human Services Agency
2415 University Ave.
East Palo Alto, CA94303
Phone: 650-363-4175
Link: Website

Find community services in San Mateo County including food assistance, financial assistance, crisis services, health, employment, homeless services, emergency shelter, housing, legal and mediation services, mental health/counseling, senior services and more.

Legal services

Resource Services
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto

1861 Bay Road
East Palo Alto, CA94303
Phone: 650-326-6440
Link: Website

Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto is a nonprofit offering legal services that improve the lives of low-income families throughout the region, specializing in immigration, housing, workers rights, records clearance, and consumer protection.
Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County

330 Twin Dolphin Drive
Ste. 123
Redwood City, CA94065
Phone: 650-558-0915
Link: Website

Through community education, legal representation, systemic advocacy and collaboration with community partners, we help people: secure safe, affordable housing; access health care; obtain economic security; establish immigration status; receive an appropriate education; and realize freedom from violence and abuse
Project Sentinel

Phone: 408-720-9888
Link: Website

Provides free education and counseling to community members, housing providers and tenants about fair housing laws. They also investigate complaints and provide advocacy services for those who have experienced housing discrimination.

Mental health resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services

San Mateo County Health
225 37th Ave.
San Mateo, CA94403
Phone: 650-573-2222
Link: Website

BHRS provides services for children, youth, families, adults and older adults for the prevention, early intervention, and treatment of mental illness and/or substance use conditions.

Friendly Voices Phone Buddies for Seniors
PO Box 63
Menlo Park, CA 94026-0063
Link: Website

Know a lonely senior? Phone calls from a compassionate volunteer can make a world of difference. Friendly Voices provides a vital human connection for isolated, homebound seniors age 60+ in California and Hawaii. A weekly phone conversation with a compassionate volunteer matched to your senior from volunteers trained in friendly conversation offer supportive listening and confidentiality. This provides for the safety and comfort of each senior with full transparency for staff or families. 
Opportunity Services Center

33 Encina Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone: 650-853-8672
Link: Website

LifeMoves provides holistic support for families in crisis through family shelters, childcare, education programs and therapeutic services. Individuals can access emergency interim shelter, food, clothing, and intensive case management to rapidly return to stable housing and address the underlying factors contributing to homelessness. LifeMoves offers specialized programs and services to address the specific needs of the Veteran community and community outreach programs include a wide range of field outreach, engagement, and prevention programs to best serve those in need.

Volunteer resources

Resource Services
2-1-1 Bay Area general information

2-1-1 Bay Area
Phone: 211
Link: Website

2-1-1 Bay Area is the comprehensive information and referral service for San Francisco, San Mateo, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, and Solano counties. It connects over 37,000 Bay Area callers and texters each year with information about health and human services available to them.
Blood Donation

American Red Cross
39227 Cedar Blvd.
Newark, CA94560
Phone: 800-733-2767
Link: Website

The American Red Cross supplies about 40 percent of the nation's blood and strongly urges healthy, eligible individuals who are feeling well to give blood or platelets to help maintain a sufficient blood supply and prevent shortages.
Blood Donation

Stanford Blood Center
445 Burgess Drive
Ste 100
Menlo Park, CA94025
Phone: 650-723-7831
Email: Email
Link: Website

Stanford Blood Center is a community blood center that connects local donors to local patients through blood donation. It is a leader in transfusion and transplantation medicine, supplying essential blood products, testing and transplant matching services to several Bay Area hospitals.
California Volunteers

Office of the Governor
Sacramento, CA
Link: Website

Step up to meet the moment and serve California’s communities! By joining #CaliforniansForAll you will be called to safely help your neighbors, communities and all of California.
In-person and virtual volunteer opportunities

American Red Cross
Phone: 800-733-2767
Link: Website

The need for volunteers is constant and continues to evolve as we navigate this health crisis. Please rest assured that the American Red Cross is working with public health officials to help keep local communities and our volunteer safe. Volunteer opportunities include supporting blood donations and delivering much-needed services to your community. There are also a wide variety of remote (work-from-home) opportunities available.
Opportunity Services Center

33 Encina Ave.
Palo Alto, CA94301
Phone: 650-853-8672
Link: Website

LifeMoves provides holistic support for families in crisis through family shelters, childcare, education programs and therapeutic services. Individuals can access emergency interim shelter, food, clothing, and intensive case management to rapidly return to stable housing and address the underlying factors contributing to homelessness. LifeMoves offers specialized programs and services to address the specific needs of the Veteran community and community outreach programs include a wide range of field outreach, engagement, and prevention programs to best serve those in need.
San Mateo County Health Volunteers

Email: Email
Link: San Mateo County health volunteer

Persons interested in volunteering as a medical professional for vaccination-related activities in San Mateo County can sign up using the county’s volunteer portal. Healthcare provider volunteers can register at this site, identify their skills and upload their relevant certificate(s) and licensure(s) for verification. Once verified, the county’s volunteer management team will contact the volunteer via email from Email will be the primary mode of communication with healthcare volunteers as needs arise and corresponding volunteer opportunities become available.

Mapping services

Resource Services
GIS Hub site

City of Menlo Park
Link: Website

The City GIS Hub site is designed to provide the publicly accessible spatial data, interactive maps, and innovative tools that bring the City's geography to life. The City's open datasets are freely available to the public in easily downloadable formats. Peruse our data library by navigating to the Open Data Portal on the Hub site. Whether you are a resident, a business owner, a student, or simply a curious urban explorer, the GIS Hub site allows you to freely explore our municipal spatial data. 
GIS Map Viewer

City of Menlo Park
Link: Website

The GIS Map Viewer is one of the City's most indispensible tools, containing data for planning and engineering such as property lines, City right of way, parcels, and addresses. Now offered as a public resource, the GIS Map Viewer ensures you have the most relevant and up to date citywide GIS data available.