Urban Forest Management Plan

  • Project typeEnvironment

This project will analyze the state of the urban forest in Menlo Park, explore trends in tree removal and replacement, and engage the community for input. It will identify challenges such as inequitable distribution of forest canopy and successfully establishing healthy trees. The project will outline a plan to address these issues and to equitably grow and maintain the urban forest in the long term for the benefit of the whole community. 

Menlo Park's urban forest canopy includes all the trees on public and private property in the city. Trees have a significant impact on our lives, the environment, and the local economy. They offer numerous benefits such as reducing the effects of urban density, increasing property values, and providing ecological services such as improving air and water quality, supplying wildlife habitat, providing shade, and reducing noise pollution.

Current status

Currently, the City is in the initial stages of applying for a CalFire Urban and Community Forestry grant, which is due on May 30, 2024.

Contact us

Mitchell Supan
Associate Engineer
