Willow Road/U.S. 101 Interchange
- Project typeTraffic and transportation
Landscaping phase
The City is actively working to design and implement new landscaping on the Willow/101 interchange. A series of images(PDF, 16MB) showing what the interchange would look like in five to 15 years, once all of the plants and trees have been established, from three different viewpoints were recently created. As of July 2024, the project plans are at 90 percent complete. Final plans are expected to be completed in late 2024. Once plans are complete, the project will be bid and construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2025.
In 2019, the City pursued a set of interchange landscaping concepts(PDF, 2MB) that included a Caltrans standard landscaping concept and two enhanced concepts. In fall 2019, the Environmental Quality Commission provided direction to pursue an enhanced concept with a forest theme for the interchange, which required an additional $4 million to complete beyond the funding available for the project. City staff pursued an urban greening grant to fund this additional cost, but was ultimately unsuccessful.
In late 2021, the City began pursuing a Caltrans standard landscape plan with more densely planted trees, consistent with community feedback. On July 12, 2022, City Council provided direction to pursue an updated concept that meets the requirements of a Caltrans standard landscape plan and on May 9, 2023, staff provided an updated concept plan for the interchange landscaping(PDF, 6MB) that has been reviewed by Caltrans.
The City entered into an agreement with the San Mateo County Transportation Authority and Caltrans to develop construction documents and install landscaping on the interchange. Development of construction documents began in fall 2023 and is anticipated to take 12 months, followed by approximately 12 months to install the landscaping. Funding for the landscaping is provided by the San Mateo County Transportation Authority.
In addition to the work in the Caltrans right-of-way near the interchange, the City also planted trees, African fern pines, along the US 101 sound walls on both sides of the freeway, along Pierce Road and at the intersection of Van Buren Road and Bay Road in spring 2024.
Willow Road at U.S. Highway 101, Menlo Park, CA 94025 View map
37.46892751826293, -122.15523851371903
Willow Road at U.S. Highway 101 ,
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Willow Road at U.S. Highway 101 ,
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Willow Road/U.S. 101 Interchange