Video and Poster Challenge for all Menlo Park Students

2024 Poster Challenge for Elementary Students

Share something about your school commute with the Safe Routes to School Program! Elementary students have until Sept. 30 to submit their drawing. Submit by uploading your poster to the link below and be sure to fill out your contact information. Some ideas are below.

  • How do you travel to school? Do you commute with friends or a family member?
  • What do you enjoy the most?
  • Who inspires you to walk or roll?
  • Who is your Safe Routes hero?
  • Who makes your school travel safer (e.g., a crossing guard, a neighbor)?

Your image should encourage, inspire and/or convey a message to others about the theme.

  • 1st Place: $50 gift card to Kepler’s Books
  • 2nd Place: $40 gift card to Kepler’s Books
  • 3rd Place: $20 gift card to Coldstone Creamery

Your artwork could be used next year to promote Walk or Roll to School events in Menlo Park.

2023 Poster Contest Winners


First Place: Siena and Asha Miller, second grade at Oak Knoll Elementary

2nd grade winning poster

Second Place: Jake Klassen and Rehan Kalluru, fifth grade at Encinal Elementary

Poster contest

2024 Video Challenge for Middle and High School Students

Promote Safe Biking Etiquette

With spring upon us, many of us are back on their bicycles! While you bike, it is important to always follow the rules of the road, be predictable and visible. Whether it is by walking your bicycle on a busy sidewalk, practicing your hand signals, or yielding to pedestrians in crosswalk, tell us what are your dos and don'ts to stay safe on your bike, and also to keep others, bicyclists and pedestrians, safe. Middle and high school students and their families have until Sept. 30 to submit their video. Submit by uploading your video to the link below and be sure to fill out your contact information.

  • 1st Place: $50 gift card to Sport Basement
  • 2nd Place: $40 gift card to Kepler’s Books
  • 3rd Place: $25 gift card to Kepler’s Books

How to Participate in the Video Challenge

Step 1. Choose Your Topic
Think of the message you would like to share. For example:

  • What are your top 3 biking safety tips?
  • What behaviors do you think everyone should adopt for safer streets?
  • As a bicyclist, how do you share the streets with other bicyclists, cars and pedestrians?
  • What are safe or unsafe biking behaviors?

Some resources for inspiration and information:

Step 2. Reflect on where you would like to record your video and who you would like to make your video with.
Think about which spot you would like to record your video at. Get your classmates, family and friends to join you! This challenge can be done with people or alone, whichever you are comfortable with.

Step 3. Create Your Video!
Once you have your spot and friends get creative and film yourself responding to the questions:

  • What are your top 3 biking safety tips?
  • What behavior do you think everyone should adopt for safer streets?
  • How do you share the streets with other bicyclists, cars and pedestrians?

Step 4. Share Your Video with us!
Please submit your video by Sept. 30. Submit by uploading your video to the link below and be sure to fill out your contact information.

2023 Video Contest Winner


Zach Egnal, eighth grade student at Hillview Middle