Implementation of California's 'Daylighting' law (Assembly Bill 413)

What is California's 'Daylighting' law (Assembly Bill 413)?
Assembly Bill (AB) 413 prohibits the parking, stopping, and standing of a vehicle within 20 feet of an unmarked or marked crosswalk, or within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension (bulb-out) is present. This is known as ‘daylighting’ and it improves drivers’ visibility of pedestrians at intersections or mid-blocks by removing on-street parking. This law only applies to the side of the road where vehicles are approaching the crosswalk.
How does this help Menlo Park achieve our Vision Zero Goal?
Menlo Park’s Vision Zero policy is to eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2040. The Vision Zero Action Plan, adopted in 2024, emphasizes a commitment to safety for all roadway users. Prohibiting parked vehicles close to the approach corners of intersections will improve drivers’ field of vision for pedestrians waiting to cross the street. Increased visibility at intersections brings increased safety.
What action is being taken by Menlo Park?
The City of Menlo Park is developing strategies to prioritize intersections and identify required modifications to the curb markings at crosswalks. Next, staff will evaluate existing marked / unmarked parking spaces to ensure that they are consistent with the new state standard, beginning with the Vison Zero Action Plan High Collision Corridors and the downtown area. Additionally, City staff are reviewing all existing and upcoming projects to ensure that they are consistent with AB 413.
How will this be enforced?
AB 413 was signed into law on Oct. 10, 2023. Starting on Jan. 1 2025, Menlo Park Police will have the ability to issue parking violations.