Stormwater system
The City owns and maintains more than 46 miles of storm drainage facilities, mostly storm drain pipes, for flood control. The stormwater system collects, conveys, and discharges stormwater runoff from major drainage areas to San Francisquito Creek, Atherton Channel, and San Francisco Bay.
Stormwater is not treated and directly impacts water, fish, and wildlife. It is important to keep debris away from storm drain inlets. The three main types of stormwater pollution are:
- Litter (e.g. cans, paper, plastic bags, cigarette butts)
- Chemicals (e.g. detergents, paint, automotive fluids, fertilizers)
- Organic waste (e.g. leaves, lawn and garden clippings, and animal excrement)
Follow these tips to help reduce stormwater pollution and dispose of items properly:
- Keep storm drain inlets clear of debris
- Clean up automotive leaks and keep our vehicle in good working order
- Dispose of litter properly
- Dispose of hazardous waste properly
- Wash cars at the car wash
- Pick up after your pet
- Use less toxic cleaners and pesticides
- Find a paint drop-off site
- Find a motor oil and filter recycling location
- Find a cooking oil recycling location
- Visit for more information about household hazardous waste

Report on illicit discharges to the stormwater system
Fill out the illicit discharge form if you observe prohibited materials entering the City storm drain system.
How to prevent stormwater pollution