City Council to review Stormwater Master Plan

Published on September 25, 2023

Stormwater in a street

By staff recommendation, the City Council will review and provide feedback on the proposed Stormwater Master Plan at the Sept. 25 City Council Meeting. No action is required by the City Council for this study session.

The Plan achieves the following objectives:

  1. Inventory of existing storm drainage facilities;
  2. Identification of storm drainage capacity and condition of facilities;
  3. Development and prioritization of stormwater capital improvement projects;
  4. Development of a funding strategy for the needed capital improvements;
  5. Development of an Operation and Maintenance Manual; and
  6. Identification of a framework to operate and maintain the facilities and implement the identified capital improvements.

Feedback on the proposed Plan is a preliminary step to accepting it at a future City Council meeting, tentatively set for Oct. 24.

To learn more, join the meeting Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 5 p.m.

Access the meeting online:
Join via Zoom (
Meeting ID 814 7839 7160

Access the meeting via phone:
Dial 669-900-6833
Meeting ID 814 7839 7160
Press *9 to raise hand to speak for public comment

Access the meeting in person:
City Council Chambers, 751 Laurel St., Menlo Park, CA, 94025

View the meeting agenda

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