1005 O'Brien Drive and 1320 Willow Road initial study released
Published on May 30, 2023
On June 2, the city released the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the proposed life science project located at 1005 O'Brien Dr. and 1320 Willow Rd. A paper copy is available for review at the Menlo Park Library, located at 800 Alma St., and at the Belle Haven Branch Library, located at 413 Ivy Dr. Interested parties should request the notice at the library information desk.
Residents are encouraged to review the NOP and participate in the Planning Commission meeting on June 26 to provide comments on the NOP, the scope and the content of the environmental impact report. The comment review period will be open from June 2 through July 5. If you would like to submit comments, it is encouraged to do so before 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5.
Written comments must be submitted by email to Associate Planner Chris Turner or by letter to:
Chris Turner - crturner@menlopark.gov
Community Development
701 Laurel St.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
The project would redevelop three parcels in the Life Science district with two new research and development buildings and a new parking structure. Key components include:
• Approximately 228,081 square feet of R&D uses completed in two phases.
• Provision of community amenities (payment of in-lieu fee) to allow for bonus-level development.
• A new parking structure containing 503 spaces, with an additional 24 surface parking spaces.
• Publicly accessible open space, including passive and active recreation areas.
More details on the proposed project, the NOP and initial study are available on the 1005 O’Brien Dr. and 1320 Willow Rd. project page. Comments received during the notice of preparation comment period will be reviewed and considered by the city in preparation of the draft environment impact report.