Proposed changes for the Housing Element update
Published on August 04, 2023
Housing Elements are housing plans that are one part of the General Plan – a guide to all the ways each city, town, or county is planned and managed.
In January 2023, the City adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element and is in the process of addressing requested changes from the State of California. To implement the Housing Element, the City is proposing zoning changes to meet the City’s housing needs of approximately 3,000 units for current and future residents at all income levels. Highlighted zoning strategies include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Increase residential densities, heights, and floor area ratios in and around the El Camino Real/ Downtown Specific Plan area
• Allow residential uses in the Downtown parking plazas
• Modify and consolidate certain retail and commercial zoning districts to allow new residential and mixed-use opportunities
• Add residential uses to the office/ commercial districts in the Bayfront Area, and along the Sand Hill Road, Willow Road, and Middlefield Road corridors
• Modify the regulations of the Affordable Housing Overlay to encourage affordable housing development
• Modify required parking rates to support housing
Upcoming meetings
Please join the upcoming study sessions to learn more about the proposed zoning changes and to provide feedback. No formal action will be taken at these meetings; however, the feedback will be used to inform changes before final review and action by the Planning Commission and City Council in late fall/early winter.
Planning Commission meeting
Monday, Aug. 14, 7 p.m.
City Council meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 6 p.m.
Join the meetings in City Council Chambers (751 Laurel Street) or on Zoom.
Environmental Justice and Safety Elements
The City is in the process of preparing revised Environmental Justice and Safety Elements for public review this fall. Please stay tuned for ways to provide feedback on the revised drafts.
For more information:
• Please visit the project webpage for more information and ways to provide feedback.
• Call 650-330-6702