Proposed zoning changes to implement the Housing Element
Published on October 30, 2023
Nov. 6, the Planning Commission will continue the discussion from the Oct. 23 meeting to review and provide a recommendation to the City Council on proposed amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element, El Camino Real/Downtown Specific Plan, Zoning Ordinance and zoning map to implement the zoning-related programs in the 2023-2031 Housing Element.
The proposed amendments would provide residential development opportunities throughout the community in the spirit of affirmatively furthering fair housing, promote a range of housing options at all affordability levels through new residential and mixed use developments, enhance vibrancy and promote activity in the downtown and along major corridors through the city and implement the zoning programs in the Housing Element.
You are encouraged to attend the Nov. 6 Planning Commission meeting to share your feedback regarding the proposed zoning changes. Please visit the Housing Element Update web page for more details.