Community meeting to focus on Environmental Justice and Safety Element
Published on March 21, 2022
The City of Menlo Park is updating its General Plan Safety Element and preparing a new Environmental Justice Element. This hybrid community meeting will be held in person and online to share information and get community input for both Elements.
The community meeting will present neighborhood profiles that highlight local pollution burdens and population characteristics. There will also be an overview of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, which assesses hazard vulnerabilities and ways to reduce potential risks.
Housing Element Update Community Hybrid Meeting
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
6–8 p.m. – Meeting ID 846-8825-6243
City Council Chambers
701 Laurel St.
As a stakeholder in the community, we encourage you to participate in this community meeting. Your feedback will help guide policy development for the Safety and Environmental Justice Elements.
Please visit the Housing Element Update webpage to view the latest information/events and sign up for project updates.
The meeting will be presented in English and Spanish.