Check out a California State Parks vehicle pass at the library

Published on July 18, 2022

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Library cardholders can now check out a free State Park vehicle day-use pass! The California State Library Parks Pass provides free vehicle day-use entry for one passenger vehicle with capacity of nine people or less or one highway licensed motorcycle at over 200 participating state park units.

Passes can be borrowed for up to 14 days. A valid Menlo Park library card is required. Passes are available first come, first served, and cannot be placed on hold. To check out a pass, visit the Menlo Park Library or Belle Haven Branch Library.

View a full list of participating California State Parks

State Library Parks Pass does not provide entry to state park units operated by federal or local government, or to state vehicular recreation areas. The Park Pass is also not valid for per person entry or tour fees, camping, boat use, group use or sites, special events, oversized vehicle fees, additional/extra vehicle fees, swimming pool fees, sanitation disposal or for supplemental fees.

For more information, visit the city's California State Library parks vehicle pass webpage.


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