Parkline master plan project at SRI enters environmental review phase
Published on December 05, 2022
On Dec. 2, 2022, the City released the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the proposed Parkline masterplan project on the SRI International campus, located at 301 and 333 Ravenswood Avenue and 555 and 565 Middlefield Road. A paper copy is available for review in the Menlo Park Library at 800 Alma St., and at the Belle Haven Branch Library at 413 Ivy Drive. Interested parties should request the notice at the library information desk.
Residents are encourage to review the Notice of Preparation and participate in the Dec. 12, 2022, Planning Commission meeting, to provide comments on the Notice of Preparation and the scope and content of the environmental impact report. The comment review period is open now through Jan. 9, 2023. If you would like to submit comments, you are encouraged to do so before 5 p.m., Monday, Jan. 9, 2023.
Written comments must be submitted by email to Acting Principal Planner Corinna Sandmeier or by letter to
Corinna Sandmeier
Community Development
701 Laurel St.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
The project would redevelop SRI International’s research campus by creating a new office and research and development (R&D) campus, residential dwelling units, ancillary commercial uses and publicly accessible open space.
Key components include:
- Approximately 1,380,332 square feet of office/R&D uses (representing no net increase in commercial square footage);
- Up to 450 residential units (approximately 518,599 square feet of residential uses);
- Separate parcel for future construction of a 100% affordable housing or special needs project for up to 100 additional residential units; and
- Publicly accessible open space, including passive and active recreation areas.
The environmental analysis will study:
- Inclusion of an approximately 2 million-gallon below grade concrete water reservoir and associated facilities; and
- An increase in 50 residential units totaling up to 600 dwelling units, inclusive of the standalone affordable housing building.
More details on the proposed project are available on the Parkline master plan project page. Comments received during the notice of preparation comment period will be reviewed and considered by the City in preparation of the draft environment impact report