City Council to review conditionally-approved Housing Element Jan. 23

Published on January 16, 2024

Modern apartment building exterior

In a letter received Dec. 20, 2023, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) deemed the Housing Element to be in substantial compliance with state law upon re-adoption by the City Council and approval by HCD. The Housing Element is a state-mandated part of the City’s General Plan and identifies how the city will accommodate its regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) of nearly 3,000 units at different levels of affordability and affirmatively further fair housing across the community.

On Jan. 8, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Housing Element amendments, and the Housing Commission is scheduled to make a recommendation at a Jan. 18 special meeting.

Click her to view the conditionally-approved 2023-2031 Housing Element.(PDF, 29MB)

For more details about the City’s Housing Element Update project, visit