Get the scoop on special event permits

Published on March 18, 2024

Microphone at event

Spring and summer are always an exciting time for celebrations. Bigger events require a special event permit to ensure the safety of the public. We have received an increased number of calls and emails with questions about the special event permit process. Here is a recap of information you may find helpful when planning an event in Menlo Park:

You will need a special event permit if:

  • You plan on closing a street
  • Your attendance is expected to exceed 150 people
  • Your event will impact traffic
  • Your event will require police regulation, monitoring or control
  • Your event will generate a crowd of spectators sufficient in size to obstruct, delay or interfere with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic

The special event permit process is done completely online and requires a minimum of six weeks to be approved. This process includes getting approval from Planning, Engineering, Transportation, Maintenance, Community Services, Police and Fire. Some events may require an additional permit from the Menlo Park Fire Department, which may elongate the process. Currently, the fee for a special event permit is $250.00.

Find more information and the special event permit application here.