Calling all residents interested in local leadership

Published on July 15, 2024


The City is actively seeking applicants for vacant seats on three advisory bodies.

What is an advisory body?

Advisory bodies examine issues of community interest and make recommendations to the City Council on policy matters. Each advisory body reviews specific subjects, carries out assignments as directed by the City Council and establishes an annual work plan that aligns with the City Council's goals and guides the commissions' activities and projects.

Why serve on an advisory body?

Serving on an advisory body or commission is an opportunity to actively participate in the growth and development of the Menlo Park community. Commissions engage the citizenry on important topics, conduct thorough reviews of various projects, initiatives, and policies and provide valuable insight to the City Council.

Which advisory bodies have vacancies?

Current vacancies include:
One vacancy on the Housing Commission
One vacancy on the Library Commission
Two vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Commission

Who can serve on an advisory body?

All applicants must be 18 or older, a resident of Menlo Park and committed to attending scheduled (monthly) meetings.
Term length will vary for each advisory body.

Residents over the age of 18 are encouraged to apply by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16.

Learn more on the commissions and committees webpage.