September is National Preparedness Month

Published on September 03, 2024


September is National Preparedness Month! Each week in September, we will focus on a different theme of emergency preparedness. Let’s start the conversation. Talking about potential disasters is not easy; however, once we learn to identify the risks in our community, and by working together, we can be better prepared when emergencies happen. Take the first step and set aside some time to have a conversation with your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.

Understanding risks will help guide planning. Start by checking existing emergency plans with your family for any necessary updates or improvements. Confirm that it contains current contact information, meeting points and evacuation routes. Ensure all family members, including children, understand the plan and their roles. If a family member uses a wheelchair or has other special needs, make sure your plan will accommodate them. If you have pets, include them in your planning.

Learn about the risks that the City of Menlo Park might face, such as floods, fires and earthquakes and how to prepare at

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