Calling all residents interested in local leadership!
Published on September 16, 2024
Calling all residents interested in local leadership! The City is actively seeking applicants for a vacancy on the Housing Commission.
Housing Commission
Advisory bodies such as the Housing Commission examine issues of community interest and make recommendations to the City Council on policy matters. The Housing Commission is charged primarily with advising the City Council on housing matters including housing supply and housing related problems.
Housing Commission priorities
- Community attitudes about housing (range, distribution, racial, social-economic problems)
- Programs for evaluating, maintaining, and upgrading the distribution and quality of housing stock in the City
- Planning, implementing and evaluating City programs under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
- Review and recommend to the City Council regarding the Below Market Rate (BMR) program
- Initiate, review and recommend on housing policies and programs for the City
- Review and recommend on housing related impacts for environmental impact reports
- Review and recommend on State and regional housing issues
- Review and recommend on the Housing Element of the General Plan
Who can apply?
All applicants must be 18 or older, a resident of Menlo Park and committed to attending scheduled (monthly) meetings.
Term length will vary for each advisory body.
Interested residents over the age of 18 are encouraged to apply by Friday, Sept. 27.
Learn more on the commissions and committees webpage.