National Preparedness Month: Build a kit

Published on September 16, 2024


As part of National Preparedness Month, now is a great time to create a disaster preparedness kit. There are six basics you should stock for your home: food, water, first aid supplies, clothing and tools. Also, consider special items such as medications.

Being prepared for disasters does not have to be difficult or expensive. If you have not begun developing a disaster preparedness kit, the next time you go to the store, pick up a gallon of water and an extra can of soup. You will find that most soups have a two-year expiration and water should be rotated every six months. Now, every time you go to the store, pick up another can and some more water. Before you know it, you will have the basic emergency necessities of food and water.

Keep the items that you would most likely need during an evacuation in an easy-to carry container. Possible containers include a large, covered trash container, a camping backpack or a duffle bag. Also, keep a pair of old shoes and a flashlight handy in case of a sudden evacuation at night.
Suggested items for a kit include:

  • Three-day supply of water (one gallon per person, per day) and non-perishable food for family (three-day supply)
  • Non-perishable food for all family members and pets (three-day supply)
  • First aid kit and sanitation supplies
  • Flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries
  • An extra set of car keys, credit cards and cash
  • Extra eyeglasses, contact lenses, prescriptions and medications
  • Important family documents and contact numbers, including insurance documents
  • Map marked with evacuation routes
  • Easily carried valuables and irreplaceable items
  • Personal electronic devices and chargers
  • Face coverings (at least two per person)
  • Sanitization supplies (hand sanitizer, sanitization wipes and soap)

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