City Council selects top priorities for fiscal year 2025-26

Published on March 24, 2025

City Council chamber dais and flag.jpg

City Council held its annual priority-setting workshop on Saturday, March 22. City Councilmembers reviewed accomplishments from the past year, received a financial update, reviewed results from the community priorities survey, considered Environmental Justice Element priorities, selected the top priorities for fiscal year 2025-26 and discussed downtown street closures.

Thank you to the hundreds of community members who shared input on top priorities by filling out the City’s online feedback form, emailing the City or speaking during the public comment portion of the workshop.

The City Council established five top priorities for fiscal year 2025-26:

  • Climate action - mitigation, adaptation and resilience
  • Downtown vibrancy
  • Emergency and disaster preparedness
  • Housing
  • Safe routes

An upcoming City Council meeting will include a workshop report that details outcomes and next steps. Top priorities will also inform the development of the City’s work plan and fiscal year 2025-26 budget. To review the recording visit City Council Priority Setting Workshop.

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