All fireworks are illegal in Menlo Park

Published on June 20, 2022

Hand holding an illegal safe and sane sparkler firework.jpg

As the July 4th holiday approaches, the Police Department reminds local residents and visitors that all forms of fireworks are strictly prohibited in Menlo Park. This includes “safe and sane” fireworks, as the potential for fires is extremely high due to hotter temperatures along with dry grass and brush. It only takes one spark to start a fire, which can cause tremendous damage.

The City Council previously adopted a fireworks ordinance that allows violators to be arrested and cited in the City of Menlo Park for the following:

  • Sale or offer to sale fireworks of any kind or nature within the city
  • Fire, discharge, burn or use fireworks of any kind or nature within the city

Additionally, possession of fireworks is a misdemeanor under California Health and Safety Code - HSC § 12761.

Police will respond quickly to reports of unlawful use and/or possession of fireworks and firearms. Anyone found using or in possession of fireworks or discharging a firearm are subject to citation and/or arrest. Residents can report the use of fireworks and firearms by calling the police non-emergency number at 650-330-6300. In the event of an emergency, dial 911 immediately.

Avoid the use of consumer fireworks and instead enjoy firework displays conducted by trained professionals. Check out's Fourth of July celebration information on where firework displays and festivities can be enjoyed.

Independence Day is a time for celebration, so let’s make it an enjoyable and safe holiday!