Published on August 30, 2023
With the rise in accidental fentanyl deaths in the country, you may be wondering the best way to approach this at home. Experts recommend having an open dialogue with your children about the dangers of fentanyl. Here are a few important tips for having that dialogue: • Ask your child what they know about fentanyl to establish a baseline. • Use age-appropriate language to tailor your language for your child’s age and understanding. • Make sure you are aware of your tone while talking to them to avoid sounding judgmental. • Offer empathy and compassion to encourage honesty from your child. • Help your child understand the dangers of prescription drugs and the importance of them being used only by the person it was prescribed for and under parental supervision. • Explain that fentanyl is pervasive in street drugs and since it has no taste, odor, color or smell, it cannot be detected. • Let them know they should seek immediate medical attention if they or their friends suspect they have ingested fentanyl. This can save lives. Visit the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration for more information.