Resources to Celebrate Pedestrian Safety Months
Published on September 06, 2023
To celebrate the Pedestrian Safety Months, the SRTS Program encourages residents, families and educators to review resources and tips for people walking and driving.
Safety Videos
National Pedestrian Safety Month Resource Guide (October 2023)
View the National Pedestrian Safety Month Resource Guide, created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), includes facts, activities and social media posts to raise awareness on the importance of pedestrian safety.
Review pedestrian safety with your children
Check out this activity book (created by the City of Menlo Park SRTS Program) for safety tips, games and activities(PDF, 1MB).
Pedestrian Safety Curriculum
Learn crossing skills, rules of the road and vocabulary throughout six engaging lessons on pedestrian safety(PDF, 1MB).
Safety Tips for Drivers
- Do not speed!
- Slow down at intersections.
- Look out for children and vulnerable road users.
- Be prepared to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked crosswalks.
- Stay off the phone when behind the wheel.
- Avoid blocking crosswalks while waiting to make a right-hand turn.
Safety Tips for Pedestrians
- Be visible and predictable.
- Put phones, headphones and devices down when crossing the street.
- Cross at intersections and marked crosswalks.
- Before crossing the street: stop at the edge of the curb, look left, right and behind you.
- Make eye contacts with drivers.
- Children should cross the street with an adult or older caregiver.