Auto burglary anti-theft safety measures

Published on April 01, 2024

Locking car with key fob

Protect yourself from becoming an auto burglary victim with these safety tips form the Menlo Park Police Department! We want to remind you to exercise precaution when deciding what to keep in your car and where to park it.

Here are some anti-theft steps you can take for added security:

  • Lock your doors, roll up all your car windows and be sure to arm your alarm when you are not in your vehicle.
  • Park in well-traveled and well-lit areas. If you are parking at your home, turn on your outside lights.
  • Remove all of your valuables from the car, including charging cables and any documents.
  • Keep your car tidy. Thieves like to window shop and you are less likely to have your car broken into if they do not see anything to steal.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the police. If you see anyone trying to open multiple car doors or lingering––report it!

Visit our Crime Prevention Tips site for more guidelines.