Household hazardous waste drop-off event set for Jan. 22

Published on January 10, 2022


In partnership with San Mateo County Health, City of Menlo Park hosts periodic household hazardous waste (HHW) events. The next event is Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022, 8:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Examples of HHW are batteries, paint and paint thinner, pesticides and fertilizers, and florescent lights. Menlo Park residents may drop off HHW free of charge by making an appointment. The exact address of the event will be provided once the appointment is finalized. There is a limit of 10 gallons or 50 pounds per appointment.

Accepted items include cleaning products; fertilizers and garden chemicals; pesticides, herbicides and rodenticides; solvents; flammable liquids; fluorescent lights (compact and tubes), paint thinner, acids/bases, aerosol cans, automotive supplies (car batteries, motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze, brake fluid), inks and photo chemicals. All waste collected is reused, recycled, or stabilized for proper disposal to achieve zero waste and prevent any items from going to the landfill and contaminating our water and soil. No radioactive, explosive or medical waste. Please visit the County’s webpage for more information about acceptable HHW items.

Residents unable to attend this event can still dispose of household hazardous waste for free at San Mateo County’s permanent HHW facility Thursdays through Saturdays (except major holiday weekends). You must make an appointment online or call 650-372-6200. Recycling/safe disposal of paint, fluorescent lights, household batteries and used motor oil/filter does not need an appointment. For local drop-off sites, visit San Mateo County’s website. 

Have household batteries to dispose? Resident who have curbside waste pickup have an easy, simple and free way to properly dispose household batteries. The curbside program accepts all single-use, rechargeable and lithium-ion household batteries. Lead-acid and car batteries are not accepted. For the curbside battery program, you may use any zip-top bag to place your household batteries in and please follow these instructions:

  1. Collect all your household batteries that no longer carry a charge.
  2. Prevent fires by taping over battery terminals with clear tape as shown in this video. The terminals, or exposed metal parts, of certain batteries can rub together creating a spark that may lead to a fire.
  3. Put all your batteries into any clear plastic zip-top bag. Properly seal the bag to ensure no batteries fall out.
  4. Place the sealed bag on top of your black garbage cart on your regular collection day.