Join the building electrification conversation
Published on February 14, 2022
Regional conversation about building electrification reach codes. Come learn about the 2022 reach code cycle, building electrification, electric vehicle charging and how local reach codes may improve your community’s air-quality and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Register for the virtual conversation taking place 6–7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022.
What are reach codes?
Every three years, cities and counties across the state can adopt local reach codes in line with the new Building Standards Code (Standards) or Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Cities and counties may adopt building codes more advanced than those required by the state, which are known as reach codes.
Why reach codes?
California has ambitious decarbonization goals aimed at reducing the state’s overall greenhouse emissions. SB 100 and AB 3232 require 100% of California’s electricity to be provided by zero carbon sources by 2045 and residential and commercial buildings reduce their GHG emissions by 40% by 2040, respectively. By developing local electrification reach codes, cities can save energy and reduce GHG emissions. All-electric buildings are also safer and healthier to live in along with being cost effective, especially for new construction.
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