How to get youth involved in Climate Action
Published on March 06, 2023
Did you know that the City of Menlo Park has a climate action goal to be greenhouse gas free by 2030? To get there, we need all the help we can get especially from youth who has the most to gain if we address climate change caused by human activities! Join an upcoming citizen lead discussion on March 8 at 5 p.m. to learn more on getting youth involved in Climate Action.
A panel discussion hosted by City Councilmember Maria Doerr will include Erica Woll, a science teacher at Sequoia Union High School District; Lily de la Espriella from Acterra, who manages youth-focused education programming for the environmental nonprofit; and three local youth environmental leaders: Elisabeth Floyd, Amala Raj and Sarah Weintraut.
March 8, 2023
5–6:30 p.m.
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 830 7476 3662
Join via phone:
Dial: 669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 830 7476 3662