Water conservation programs and incentives breakdown

Published on January 13, 2025


Reducing water usage at home is essential for preserving environmental sustainability, reducing water bills and minimizing the harmful effects of drought. The City appreciates all water conservation efforts made by Menlo Park residents. To further water savings, Menlo Park Municipal Water customers are eligible for the following programs:

To apply for these rebates, please visit bawsca.dropletportal.com/create/profile and create a Droplet account. For questions regarding these water conservation programs, please visit menlopark.gov/waterconservation or email water@menlopark.gov.

Residents who live in the California Water Service (Cal Water) service area, are eligible for many of the same conservation incentives. If you are unsure who your water provider is, use the City’s interactive Water Providers Map. To learn more visit conservation.calwater.com or call 650-561-9709.