Menlo Park joins neighbors in supporting the Peninsula Bikeway
Published on January 24, 2022
City of Menlo Park staff joined a webinar with the neighboring cities of Mountain View, Palo Alto and Redwood City, Joint Venture Silicon Valley, and Stanford University to announce the findings of the Peninsula Bikeway Feasibility Study. The study was a joint effort of the Managers Mobility Partnership to identify a preferred route for a long distance, high quality, separated bikeway that connects these cities.
The study identified El Camino Real as the preferred corridor for the Peninsula Bikeway and each of the cities described their progress and challenges on implementing bicycle facilities and related improvements along El Camino Real. You can view the detailed feasibility assessment and webinar recording. Presentations were made by Joint Venture Executive Director Russ Hancock about the study and by each of the study partners. The Town of Atherton also joined the webinar to share their experiences on El Camino Real and the Valley Transportation Authority and Caltrans closed the session.
City staff continue to pursue building a connected bicycle network throughout Menlo Park consistent with the General Plan, Transportation Master Plan and City Council priorities.