Spring safety tips

Published on April 06, 2022


With the weather warming up, we are all excited to get outside. With the increase in outside activities, we want to help keep our children walking and rolling safely.

Follow these simple tips to help keep our neighbors safe:

  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street: Giving drivers a friendly wave or peace sign helps you to make eye contact with the drivers to ensure that they see you before you cross. Always walk across the road and do not run.
  • Remember to hydrate: With the warmer weather, it's important to remember to stay hydrated. Try getting a new water bottle just for spring or add fruit.
  • Decorate helmets: Sometimes getting children to wear helmets can be a challenge, especially if they don’t like the look of it. Having a helmet decorating party with your children and their friends is a great way to get them excited about wearing their helmets.
  • Choose safe and easy routes: Choose routes that provide space to walk and have the least amount of traffic and lowest speeds.
  • Wear your spring colors: When walking or biking wear neon, fluorescent or other bright colors. It’s important to wear a bright shirt, jacket or vest, even during daylight hours. Front white lights, rear red lights, and other light reflectors should be placed on the bicycle and worn by the cyclist.